
Reid & Simple

Create a fun and quirky brand identity for an online shaving kit. 

The brand idea is well summarized by the tagline ‘cut back to the roots’. To go for what is essential. The classic look. The values—simple, honest, fun and stylish—define the brand of ‘reid & simple’. It was named fittingly after the company’s owners and is set in a serif typeface: Calluna. The visual design is led by primary colors, basic shapes and black and white photography.

(student work)


Sea Tea

Create a packaging design for a tea that is targeted at insomniacs.

Rumor has it, that this tea provides its consumer with uni-hemispheric sleep. So instead of not resting at all an insomniac can go to sleep with only one half of the brain at a time. It is the way dolphins sleep. Therefore the design is inspired by the ocean—more specifically by phytoplankton.

(student work)